Adjusting our behaviour to suit our circumstances, or the people around us, isn’t a strength or a weakness - it’s just a normal part of everyday life.
And we adapt our behaviour continually as we progress throughout our careers depending on the role we’re playing. Even Generals have spent most of their working lives saying “Yes sir, no sir” before they finally get to tell everyone what to do.
We’re usually able to make these adjustments without too much stress. But inevitably there will be times when they can leave us feeling emotionally or physically drained. Which can have an adverse effect on everyone around us.
After all, who hasn’t experienced difficulties with grumpy bosses or stressed-out colleagues? And usually it’s simply because they’re struggling to perform outside of their natural comfort zones.
Probably the biggest criticism of some of the most famous names in personality profiling is that they are unable to predict specific job performance in any meaningful way. But this really isn’t surprising. No personality profiling system in existence, including ours, can predict if someone can build a better wall or come up with a better sales strategy. That’s what CVs, qualifications and interviews are for.
But excessive stress, even when we ‘think’ we’re handling it okay, is proven to have a serious impact on our performance: whatever job we’re doing. It takes over our minds and significantly affects our ability to make good decisions and solve problems. It also makes us risk averse which stifles innovation, and perhaps worst of all it can significantly affect our confidence. And this is without question the single biggest factor in making people difficult to work with.
The beauty of the Drake P3 two-profile system, and where it really comes into its own, is that it doesn’t just highlight the areas where people are behaving differently at work to what comes naturally to them – it also indicates how stressful, or not, they’re likely to be finding this.
But as highly regarded as a Drake P3 Personality Profile Report is on its own (and much of the time that’s all people use), if you’re recruiting and want the very best results you can get, we suggest you follow the process below.
We recommend completing a minimum of the first three steps - and ideally the full five for any senior roles.
Step 1
You obviously can’t figure out if someone is going to be suitable for a role without establishing what that role is first. If you already have good people in the same or a similar position, you can use their P3 profiles to help build your blueprint, making it even easier to set an ideal benchmark.
Step 2
Ask shortlisted candidates to complete a
Step 3
This compares a candidate’s Drake P3 Personality Profile Report with the Job Profile Blueprint. By overlaying the profiles, you can easily see how close a candidate is to your ideal blueprint candidate.
The difference between these profiles shows you how much the candidate might need to ‘flex’ their behaviour when they’re in the new role.
Based on this, the system automatically ‘reads between the lines’ and generates a list of questions that can be used in an interview to help find out how comfortable, or stressed a particular candidate might be in making any of these adjustments.
Step 4
This P3 profile and cognitive assessment combined, is an astonishingly accurate way of proving if someone has the cognitive ability to comfortably perform or adjust to a new role.
It’s particularly important when recruiting for management roles when you really want to know if people can genuinely walk-the-walk - or if they’re just all talk.
Most people can’t believe how accurate the results are when tested on people they know. They often think it’s some kind of clever magic trick we’re playing.
But while it isn’t magic, there certainly was some spectacular wizardry from the team of industrial and organisational psychologists we put together to develop the algorithm.
Step 5
PROFILE COMPARISON ANALYSIS: The final piece of the puzzle.
No matter how well qualified a person is for a role, unless they fit in well with the people they’re going to be working with, their performance will suffer - along with everyone else’s. This is as close to a certainty as you’re ever going to get in recruitment.
But with our Manager-to-Candidate and Candidate-to-Peer Comparison Analysis, you can compare a potential candidate’s P3 profile with any of the key people that they could be working with, to see how compatible they’re likely to be.
And these profile comparisons aren’t just great for hiring, they really come into their own for managers who want to get a better understanding of their existing staff and how they interact with their colleagues.
The steps above include just some of our reports and assessments.
To see more, see our suite of reports.
Simply click on the button below to get started. After you complete the assessment, you will see a short summary on-screen.
One of our team will then send you a full copy of your Drake P3 Personality Profile for FREE via email.