These are just some of our most popular reports that can
be generated in conjunction with Drake P3 Personality Profiles.
Recruitment Reports
Identifies the personality traits and behavioral tendencies that you believe are the ideal benchmark for a particular job: against which you compare candidates. If you know you already have good people in the same or a similar role, you can add their P3 profiles into the mix to make it even easier to set this benchmark.
Compares a candidate’s personal profile report with the benchmark Job Profile Blueprint. A great feature of this report is that it generates appropriate interview questions according to the results. You can also use this for existing employees if you’re considering them for a new position.
This P3 profile and cognitive assessment combined, is an astonishingly accurate way of verifying if someone has the cognitive ability to comfortably perform or adjust to a new role.
These compare the profiles of the prospective candidates with either an existing manager, or potential peers: and will give you recommendations as to how they might best work together.
Compares a candidate’s personal profile report with the benchmark Job Profile Blueprint. A great feature of this report is that it generates appropriate interview questions according to the results. You can also use this for existing employees if you’re considering them for a new position.
These compare the profiles of the prospective candidates with either an existing manager, or potential peers: and will give you recommendations as to how they might best work together.
Management Reports
This essentially introduces the employee to each of their managers and peers; and is designed to help the new employee integrate as quickly and successfully as possible with their new colleagues.
When an employee completes two P3s over a period of time (for example, before and after they start a major project), this report shows how much they might have adjusted their behaviour during this time, in response to the situation.
These compare profiles of existing employees: and will give you recommendations as to how they might best work together.
Gives everyone in a team a comprehensive guide as to how best to communicate with every other member of the team.
This is an in-depth exploration of every aspect of a team - or potential team - both as individuals and as a group.
A unique feature of the report is that it highlights the strengths of each team member in relation to the Four Stages of Team Development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Helping you to assess the team strengths in relation to managing the practical aspects of projects as well as the human aspects.
This Many-to-One profile lets you know how other people within your organisation are likely to see you.
This a really useful tool for anyone, because it highlights any potential misconceptions that other people could have of you (possibilities that you might be completely unaware of) giving you the opportunity to adjust your behaviour to avoid any unfortunate misunderstandings.
When an employee completes two P3s over a period of time (for example, before and after they start a major project), this report shows how much they might have adjusted their behaviour during this time, in response to the situation.
Gives everyone in a team a comprehensive guide as to how best to communicate with every other member of the team.
This Many-to-One profile lets you know how other people within your organisation are likely to see you.
This a really useful tool for anyone, because it highlights any potential misconceptions that other people could have of you (possibilities that you might be completely unaware of) giving you the opportunity to adjust your behaviour to avoid any unfortunate misunderstandings.
Simply click on the button below to get started. After you complete the assessment, you will see a short summary on-screen.
One of our team will then send you a full copy of your Drake P3 Personality Profile for FREE via email.
We promise that our sales team won't call you to follow up. Because we believe the benefits of Drake P3 speak for themselves.